Management and Sponsoring Commission
The Management and Sponsoring Commission oversees the logistical and financial operations of the Tribunal, coordinates its essential activities, and ensures that resources are allocated transparently. It is responsible for conducting all operations necessary for the efficient functioning of the Tribunal and managing sponsorship matters in a manner that does not compromise the Tribunal’s independence and impartiality.
Communications Department
The Communications Department manages public relations, media outreach, and the dissemination of information concerning the Tribunal’s activities. It is responsible for recording Tribunal sessions and witness hearings, whether conducted online or in person, and for broadcasting these proceedings through live streams, recorded transmissions, social media accounts, websites, and all forms of print, written, visual, or audio media to inform the public.
It collaborates with the Media Relations Unit to support outreach efforts and promote the Tribunal’s objectives, maintaining a consistent and transparent message across all platforms.
Legal Department
The Legal Department undertakes responsibility for all legal advisory services required by the Tribunal. It coordinates rapporteur services to ensure comprehensive legal analysis, prepare and review necessary reports, and draft, examine, and file legal submissions.